Lenten Daily Meditation
Sunday, March 13, 2011
First Sunday in Lent
March 13, 2011

For today's readings, click here: http://www.usccb.org/nab/031311.shtml

I am posting rather late today, so I have the benefit of having already been to church to hear a priest preach on these lessons.  Our priest focused primarily on the Genesis reading, and particularly about the fall from grace.  Unlike a lot of sermons I've heard over the years, the focus of this one was on the universality of succumbing to temptation.  He told a story about getting a traffic ticket for turning right on red where it was posted "No turn on red."  He stressed that it wasn't that he didn't see the sign, he just gave into the tempation to do it anyway because (he thought) there was no one coming or even around.  He went on to talk about how we all have our "turning right on red"moment, where we give in to the temptation to do what we want to do even though we know it is wrong or falls short of God's plan.  And of course, he said that's why forgiveness -- giving it and seeking it -- are so central to our life as Christians. It was a really good sermon, and I appreciated the fresh way it made me look at the reading.

Prior to hearing that, it was the Gospel lesson that most spoke to me. In fact, this story about Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness has always spoken to me.  And it is the second of the three temptations that really gets me.  The first one, the temptation with food, well, I get it, but I find it hard to imagine giving into Satan just for food.  Probably belies my lifetime of Western abundance, but there it is. And the third one, where he asks Jesus to bow down and worship him, is just such a bodacious request that it's hard to imagine Jesus even feeling tempted.

But the temptation to test God.....now that one hits close to home.  It just feels to me like we are -- or at least I am -- often tempted to put God to the test.  Maybe it's because I have struggled with -- shall we say, control issues?  I always struggle to let go and just let God be in charge of my life, and even when I am kind of succeeding, there's always that pull to double check.  "You are in charge, God, right?  I mean, it's really OK for me to be off duty?  Because if you felt like you wanted a little backup, you know, I'm right here.  Just say the word." As if God ever needed me to be on backup! As if I was ever in control, even when I most feel that I am!

Father, today I want to thank you especially for putting me in a loving parish where I feel nurtured and cared for.  Thank you for allowing us to be community to one another, to support in prayer and hugs and kind words; please strenghten us in our will to do so.  I pray for all who walk the Lenten journey with me, Lord, that they, too might find a caring community to support them on their path.  Amen

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One lay woman's daily meditations for Lent.

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Location: Columbus, OH

Susan Emerson worked for 25+ years in marketing before becoming a Development Director for the Boy Scouts and a freelance writer. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Bob Beasley. They have a 24-year old son, Sam, and a 25-year old near-son, Warren.

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