Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
April 15, 2011
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The gospel picks up the story from yesterday, with the religious leaders wanting to stone Jesus. They accuse him of blasphemy for "making himself a god," but Jesus tells them to judge him by his works. They still try to stone him, but he escapes. I think it is interesting to read this beside the Jeremiah reading. In it Jeremiah talks about how all around him are out to get him, but the Lord is with him, and he knows he will triumph because of that. Quite parallel stories, really.
Of course, we know that Jesus will triumph ultimately, but not before a great deal of suffering and his eventual death. One week from tonight is Holy Thursday, the start of the Triduum. (For those of other traditions, this is the term Catholics use for the service that begins on Holy Thursday, resumes on Good Friday, and is completed at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night.) That means that for those of us who try to walk the Lenten journey with Jesus, we are entering into the toughest part. Soon we will see him deserted by his followers, betrayed, captured, denied, tortured and killed. After that we will see him risen, of course, and celebrate. But these last steps on the road that lead there are tough.
This is a short entry, but it doesn't seem that there is anything else to say. We are entering the tough times, and while we know that we will emerge triumphant with Jesus, we know all too well what we have to go through to get there. We have to continue leading our daily lives, going about our business each day, while at the same time staying centered in the experiences of your final days. It's a challenge.
Father in Heaven, please walk with us this week even more than usual. Fill us with your Spirit and give us the strength to fully open ourselves to the reality of your suffering, that we might more fully share in the wonder of your resurrection. Help us to be aware of your presence in all aspects of our lives. Strengthen our resolve to do your will and help us to shine with the light of your love. Amen