Lenten Daily Meditation
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Monday of Holy Week

April 18, 2011

To see the readings, click here: http://www.usccb.org/nab/041811.shtml

Today's gospel reading tells the story of Mary washing Jesus' feet with her hair and expensive oil.  Judas objected, saying the fine ointment should have been sold to raise money for the poor, but Jesus brushed aside his concern. 

On Sunday afternoon, I indulged in something I like to do during Holy Week:  I listened to Jesus Christ Superstar. Of course, this is one of the stories it retells, and one that I think Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber did an especially nice job with, really catching the spirit of each of the characters.

The point Jesus makes as he brushes aside Judas' complaint is that Mary was right to use her fine oil on him, because there would be plenty of time to care for the poor, but he would soon be gone.  Other than just carrying on the story that leads inexorably to the passion, I think this is the main point of this reading.  We are probably all guilty, from time to time, of being too focused on "doing," on "getting things done," and not enough on simply being with Jesus.

Speaking strictly for myself, I know that even though I am very active in my church -- sometimes BECAUSE I am so active in my church -- I don't always spend the time I should in quiet meditation.  I am occasionally brought up short when the opportunity presents itself and I realize that it feels like a rare treat. Though I certainly hope my motivations are different than those of Judas, I think the end result is still much the same: too much "doing" and not enough "being."  And I think that's one of the big benefits of Lent.  It pushes us to spend some time with Jesus, not doing, but simply being.

Thank you, Father, for calling us to spend time with you. Be with us in the last week of Lent and guide our footsteps more than ever on right paths.  Help us to center ourselves in you and find joy and peace in your presence, that we might arrive at the Triduum rightly prepared to share in your passion and your resurrection. Amen

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One lay woman's daily meditations for Lent.

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Location: Columbus, OH

Susan Emerson worked for 25+ years in marketing before becoming a Development Director for the Boy Scouts and a freelance writer. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Bob Beasley. They have a 24-year old son, Sam, and a 25-year old near-son, Warren.

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