Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent
April 7, 2011
To see the readings, click here:
In today's reading from Exodus, it's hard to say which is the most striking: the folly of the Israelites or the courage of Moses. Looking at the Israelites, it is always sort of amazing how often they seemed to mess up. Throughout the flight from Egypt, they were perpetually doubting, challenging, getting off track. In this case, they had actually gone so far as to make a golden idol and worship it instead of the one true God! It is amazing that God didn't destroy them all!
In their defense, though, I will say that they must have been awfully frightened. Even after the seven plagues and all, they didn't really know what they were getting into as they fled from Egypt. The trip was hard, and although God did provide generously, he mainly did so in "just in time" fashion, so their faith was put to the test almost daily. And as offensive as it seems to us to make a golden idol to worship, that was actually what they were familiar with. It wasn't alien to them at all -- rather, it was slipping back into the comfort of the familiar. I don't mean to excuse their behavior, because it was totally wrong, but in perspective it is a little more understandable.
But what an amazing leader Moses was! We know from other passages, other times when they had done wrong, that it really hurt and upset Moses, too. In addition to everything else, it made him feel unappreciated, and horribly disappointed in them. But every time, including this one, he immediately jumps to their defense, wheedling with God to spare them. In this case, he argues that it will just make the Egyptians disbelieve in him, if his chosen people come this far only to perish in the mountains. And this time, as every time, God relents.
I think Moses is a wonderful role model of a leader. He wasn't perfect, he didn't seek out glory, and he often admittted that he didn't know what to do. But he was always subservient to God, doing what he was called to do, and he was faithful to his followers. He would argue their case before God even when he was so angry with them himself that you know he just wanted to bash a few heads together. If that isn't leadership, I don't know what is.
Let's pray that we can all find it in ourselves to be a little more like Moses and a little less like the Israelites!
Father, thank you for ginving us such models of leadership in the Bible. Help us to live our lives as Moses did, listening to your call and staying faithful to it. Forgive us when we fall into sin, especially when it is the sin of the old and familiar. Help us to listen to your voice as we walk on our Lenten journey and to continue learn to know you and do your will more thoroughly. Amen.